The Rothman Family
Baby Brooks
Scroll down to see updates as the Rothman family progresses in their CDH Journey! (All updates are written and given by parents with consent)
Brooks was diagnosed in utero with right CDH but upon birth, they’ve now said he was either bilateral or a Morgagni hernia depending on who you talk to. He was born on November 15 and had surgery on day 6 of life. Brooks was intubated for 3 weeks and was able to move to room air on December 10. Since then, our main goal has been feeds. We’ve been making strides recently and hope to be able to go home soon!
We’ve had small hiccups along the way including infection and a blood clot as well as thrush and MRSA, but are beyond grateful for the medical team at the Fetal Center as well as at Children’s Memorial Hermann.
Update 2/1
Brooks came home after exactly two months in the NICU at Children's Memorial Hermann in Houston. We are home with a gtube and working on feeds. Brooks is the happiest baby and we are so thankful for the passion and commitment from the CDH team at The Fetal Center and CMHH. This boy is a total rockstar and has been a fighter from the start. Our original diagnosis in utero was right CDH but once he was born and had a chest X-ray they realized it was actually a bilateral CDH - which is why Brooks’ scar looks like a shark bite (or a rainbow according to big sister, Charli). Though this isn’t the path anyone would choose to walk, we are grateful for those we’ve met along the path including the team at The Eden Calhoun Charitable Fund.